Friday, February 13


The relationship between our modern lifestyle and physical inactivity

We have got it all clear for us: our modern lifestyle, with Internet, television and cars, is seriously threathening our health. We do not do any exercise no more, we just stay in front of the TV. When we get hungry we call for fast-food, directly delivered to our door (but we still have to walk the fourteen steps to meet the delivery boy all by ourselves!) or, if we feel energetic, we actually take the car to the local shop five minutes away. The food we buy is fat and, of course, already made so that we do not have to waste those ten minutes in the kitchen, cooking. This is how we are living today, this is the reality of the children of the 21st century. Or isn't it?

I do not agree that we live less healthy nowadays. In these days we think more about our health and the food we eat. I do not know anybody of my age that does not practise any sport and since early age we have been taught to stay away from unhealthy food, and we never use the car if it is not absolutely necessary.

I would like to say that there are huge cultural differences. I have had the rare opportunity to see, and compare, two totally different cultures and this has made me realize that our lifestyles really depend on the culture of the country we live in.

Maybe the modern lifestyle is dangerous for others, in other places, but this does not exist as a problem in my reality. And it actually has a really easy solution: everybody takes the responsability of their own health, leaves the television for a while and catches the bike to the shop instead of the car.

Evelynna Rennes 2º BACHILLERATO

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