Friday, February 13


Do entertainment gadgets, such as iPods and game consoles prevent young people from getting enough sleep?

There are few things as annoying as hyper active children that don't sleep at night. Now some new studies show that these non-sleeping kids might get problems later in life.

I think there are many reasons why the children don't sleep. One reason could be that they don't get enough physical and/or mental stimulation. But are the new electronic gadgets really the problem? To answer this question it is important to separate the many different gadgets that nowadays make an important part of the modern lifestyle. There is a huge difference between an iPod (a portable music player) and for example video games or television. The iPod often serves as a complement when you are travelling or training, and even if it doesn't really give any stimulation, I'm sure that it doesn't harm the night sleep. The video games and television on the other hand, is a different story. I don't think they directly cause the insomnia but these things can be a reason why the children are more still and therefore don't get their daily physical activity. They might get their mental training but this is not enough.

I don't see any problem with all these entertainment gadgets, more than that the kids need to learn to do other things as well.

Evelynna Rennes 2º BACHILLERATO

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