Friday, February 27


Modern lifestyle and physical inactivity.

In the last years, our lifestyle has changed radically. Few people could buy things that were not necessary before. Now, everybody has a better salary and this makes their lives better too. We have lived with the best lifestyle that has determined our phisycal inactivity and more things.
Everybody can have access to the new technology, for example: computers. In spite of using them for working, there are many computers everywhere nowadays. We use the computer to send e-mails, have conversations with friends in real time, talk face to face, buy with credit card, watch videos... Really, if you do not want to go out, you will not have to go out to get something. So, we stay in our homes and we become lazier.
In addition to computers, cars make life easier. This is the perfect instrument and we use it for everything. If we have to buy a loaf of bread, we drive to the bakery though it is close. Of course, we go to the cinema or to the theatre but we don not walk. We are accustomed to driving and we do not move so much.
But the most normal thing in our lives is the television. Why going to the park if we have entertainment at home? It is more comfortable if we sit on the sofa and relax. It has many channels and programs, we only have to choose one. We arrive home and switch on the TV straight away. At night, when we go to bed, we switch it off. Furthermore, if we want to be with friends, we only have to buy a videogames console.
Our time-table influences the exercise we do as well. If you leave your work at seven o´clock and you come back home late in the evening, you do not want to do anything. If you have children your time-table is stressful and you are always tired. We can go to the gym but it would be a responsibility and, probably, we would only go for one or two months.
In the end, because of our economy, our things, our jobs, our children, etc., we do not do exercise and we are physically inactive. However, we do not have this sensation, we know that we move all the time and finally, when you arrive home, why are we going to do more physical activities?

Celia León 2º BACH (THANKS!)

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