Wednesday, May 13


Hello! click on the title to find about Leonardo Da Vinci. Complete the questions and submit before May, 31st.


Hi again! Click on the title to discover things about Native Americans. Complete the questions and submit before May, 31st.

Tuesday, May 12


If I were an invisible woman, what would happen? That would be incredible! I would go to many places and nobody would see me, but I would be able to see everybody. This would be funny!

If humans were super-heroes, what would happen? The planet would be better, there wouldn’t be terrorists and there would be fewer criminals. Life on the Earth would be completely different. Each person would have a different power. We would be able to read the mind. This would be a problem because there wouldn’t be privacy and people would be angry.

If humans had four eyes, what would happen? We would see great! But our brain would be stressed out with so much information together and we would go to the doctor because we would have headaches or because our brain would go on strike.

And… if humans were like the rainbow, what would happen? When we were wet by the rain, we would have all the colours and in this moment we wouldn’t be racist because we all would be similar. This would be a good thing. We would live in a free world without racism.

Andrea Gómez López (4º B)

Wednesday, April 22

Treasure Hunt 3º ESO

(click on the title)

Treasure Hunt 2º ESO

Explore the links and answer the questions in a separate sheet of paper. Submit before May 15th.
The participants will receive bonus points.

Tuesday, March 10


I am a scientist of a very important company. My name in Jonathan Galán and I am a robot designer. I propose ideas of how can robots be in the future, and I will explain you some of those ideas. Firstly, the most important thing, I think that robots will have feelings. It is very important because if they have them they will be like a person. A lot of people don’t like the idea, but I think it is very good for us. Another idea is building them with artificial skin, not with iron! We can configure them to do our things, cooking, the shopping, the cleaning, they will iron our clothes...
But you will think “If they do our things, we will be lazy… No! Because the robot will be our personal teacher! We will do a lot of things with them, we can run, play games, swim (we have to waterproof them to do this activity)… It will be like computers now, we will have them for all things. Imagine that you are taking a bath and you can’tclean your back, the robot will help you! Or you have homework’s doubt, you can ask him! Definitely, the robots will be friends who will help us always.


Robots are our friends, but in the future things can change and robots will be dangerous for humans.

In the future, robots will do everything and they will feel and will want to be human. They will kill humans to be the kings of the world. We can see this in a lot of movies like Terminator or I Robot. Now these are only movies but it can be a reality.

I think that we don't need robots and they don't need humans. One of these two will dissappear... maybe robots....Maybe humans... I don't know.


Wednesday, March 4

Natalia's Corner

Hello again! This week on Natalia's corner we review the film "The Exchange" directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Angelina Jolie.

"The Exchange" is a film about a very brave woman. One day her son disappears and the police finds a boy, but that boy isn't her son. This woman fights with the police because they pretend to close the investigation with the child disappeared.

Angelina Jolie is the protagonist of this film. Angelina is a solidary person. She travels around the world and she helps poor people. Her family is admirable. She is married to Brad Pitt and they have an Asiatic boy, an African girl...

The film is based on real events and is nominated to two Golden Globe Awards.

Natalia Velasco 2ºB

Tuesday, March 3

2º eso - computer lab

Click here and READ the stories while you LISTEN to them.

Then go to this link and learn about forests and animals while you PLAY!

Friday, February 27


Modern lifestyle and physical inactivity.

In the last years, our lifestyle has changed radically. Few people could buy things that were not necessary before. Now, everybody has a better salary and this makes their lives better too. We have lived with the best lifestyle that has determined our phisycal inactivity and more things.
Everybody can have access to the new technology, for example: computers. In spite of using them for working, there are many computers everywhere nowadays. We use the computer to send e-mails, have conversations with friends in real time, talk face to face, buy with credit card, watch videos... Really, if you do not want to go out, you will not have to go out to get something. So, we stay in our homes and we become lazier.
In addition to computers, cars make life easier. This is the perfect instrument and we use it for everything. If we have to buy a loaf of bread, we drive to the bakery though it is close. Of course, we go to the cinema or to the theatre but we don not walk. We are accustomed to driving and we do not move so much.
But the most normal thing in our lives is the television. Why going to the park if we have entertainment at home? It is more comfortable if we sit on the sofa and relax. It has many channels and programs, we only have to choose one. We arrive home and switch on the TV straight away. At night, when we go to bed, we switch it off. Furthermore, if we want to be with friends, we only have to buy a videogames console.
Our time-table influences the exercise we do as well. If you leave your work at seven o´clock and you come back home late in the evening, you do not want to do anything. If you have children your time-table is stressful and you are always tired. We can go to the gym but it would be a responsibility and, probably, we would only go for one or two months.
In the end, because of our economy, our things, our jobs, our children, etc., we do not do exercise and we are physically inactive. However, we do not have this sensation, we know that we move all the time and finally, when you arrive home, why are we going to do more physical activities?

Celia León 2º BACH (THANKS!)


Do people ever buy things that they do not need?

No, it is false. People buy things because they need them, maybe to fill a lack or because they are conditioned by the society.

The first case is when you buy things to fill a lack. It could be because you are sad or dissatisfied with your life and buy to forget, you try to fill the lack but when you come back home and store all your new clothes, shoes, furniture or tools you will be like the first time before entering in the shop.

On the other hand we can understand that if people buy things that they do not like is a society’s problem because in today’s world people spend money; it is not important where, when or how. People try to amaze the other, with their expensive junk. This is madness.

To sump up, I am sure that the people buy things to feel more comfortable with themselves.

Óscar Holguin 2º BACH B

Tuesday, February 24


Two years ago I went to live to a house in the North of England.
The house was big and frightening. The first night I heard strange noises. I was getting up when a scaring voice said to me:
-"Help me!"
Then I slept. The next day I investigated the strange event. I found a document and it said that the house was built on a cemetery. That indicated that in the house there was a ghost, but I didn't know what it wanted. That night the ghost returned and I told him:
-" how can I help you?"
and the ghost answered:
- " are you an idiot? this is a dream."
Suddenly, I woke up and I thought:
- " Everything was a dream."
Then I looked out of the window and I saw the ghost .

Carlos Cuesta ( 2º D)

Friday, February 13


Hi everybody! Natalia's corner will be informing you about films every fortnight. Send your comments about this film or other films that you would like to comment on. Thanks to Natalia Velasco (2º ESO B) for her contribution.

Desde Entonces

It is a film about a group of friends in their thirties. They meet each othet at university and their lives aren't as they had thought.

Alex is one of this friends and he is selling his parents' house because they died. He celebrates a dinner with his old friends but what seemed an end turns into the beginning of something very different. Alex and his friends discover that life is easier when your people are with you.

This film is not screened in cinemas but it will be released in "El Círculo de Bellas Artes" on February 24th.

I think that the film is admirable because it had budget ZERO!


Do entertainment gadgets, such as iPods and game consoles prevent young people from getting enough sleep?

There are few things as annoying as hyper active children that don't sleep at night. Now some new studies show that these non-sleeping kids might get problems later in life.

I think there are many reasons why the children don't sleep. One reason could be that they don't get enough physical and/or mental stimulation. But are the new electronic gadgets really the problem? To answer this question it is important to separate the many different gadgets that nowadays make an important part of the modern lifestyle. There is a huge difference between an iPod (a portable music player) and for example video games or television. The iPod often serves as a complement when you are travelling or training, and even if it doesn't really give any stimulation, I'm sure that it doesn't harm the night sleep. The video games and television on the other hand, is a different story. I don't think they directly cause the insomnia but these things can be a reason why the children are more still and therefore don't get their daily physical activity. They might get their mental training but this is not enough.

I don't see any problem with all these entertainment gadgets, more than that the kids need to learn to do other things as well.

Evelynna Rennes 2º BACHILLERATO


The relationship between our modern lifestyle and physical inactivity

We have got it all clear for us: our modern lifestyle, with Internet, television and cars, is seriously threathening our health. We do not do any exercise no more, we just stay in front of the TV. When we get hungry we call for fast-food, directly delivered to our door (but we still have to walk the fourteen steps to meet the delivery boy all by ourselves!) or, if we feel energetic, we actually take the car to the local shop five minutes away. The food we buy is fat and, of course, already made so that we do not have to waste those ten minutes in the kitchen, cooking. This is how we are living today, this is the reality of the children of the 21st century. Or isn't it?

I do not agree that we live less healthy nowadays. In these days we think more about our health and the food we eat. I do not know anybody of my age that does not practise any sport and since early age we have been taught to stay away from unhealthy food, and we never use the car if it is not absolutely necessary.

I would like to say that there are huge cultural differences. I have had the rare opportunity to see, and compare, two totally different cultures and this has made me realize that our lifestyles really depend on the culture of the country we live in.

Maybe the modern lifestyle is dangerous for others, in other places, but this does not exist as a problem in my reality. And it actually has a really easy solution: everybody takes the responsability of their own health, leaves the television for a while and catches the bike to the shop instead of the car.

Evelynna Rennes 2º BACHILLERATO