Wednesday, November 12


Cats and dogs are the most typical pets in Europe. This is because these pets are perfect to have at home. They are small and educating them is easier than the other animals. But, which is best pet?
On the one hand, dogs are more friendly and affectionate than cats. They can keep your company if you are alone or protect your house. These animals are always faithful to their owners. The bad side of dogs is that you have to take them out three times everyday.
On the other hand, cats are more handy pets. You don’t need to take them out and when you educate your cat completely, you can be unconcerned about it. But a cat only gives affection when it wants, and they are more independent.
In my opinion a pet must make you feel good and beloved. Dogs are perfect to get this.

Almudena Rodríguez (2º BACH B)
Thanks Almudena!

Do you agree with Almudena? Post a comment!!


Anonymous said...

Una gran redaccion compañera


Anonymous said...

Don't you think that dogs are sometimes a bit aggresive?