Thursday, November 27


There are a lot of different kinds of programmes nowadays which contents change depending on the age, kind of spectator, timetable, etc.
First of all I cannot watch much television because I have not got any time, this year is more important and complicated and I am so nervous. I am worried about my academic year.
All the same when I have got free time I watch my favourite programmes on TV, they are TV series like CSI, Sexy Money and Aída.
I am interested in documentaries about customs or style of life in different countries. I like documentaries where the cities are the center of the story too.
In my opinion this type of programme is very fascinating. If you want you can learn different and good information. It is more important because we find knowledge through TV and we learn easily.
However there are several unsuitable and they are not controlled in their transmission.
Recently I watch the news at lunch time, with this I can know what is around the world so that I can contrast with my knowledge because I think that this is important for my education and personal formation too.
Finally I think that television is necessary if you know how to find suitable information and use it with care which purposes must be the best course in your life.

Katherine Hernández

Tuesday, November 25

What´s your favourite tv programme?

My favourite tv programme is "Pekin Express". "Pekin Express" is a reality show, but it is different. It is about trips, and I love travelling.

Ten couples go from Moscow to Pekin with only 1 euro a day per person and they look for houses to sleep and they do hitch-hiking in different parts: Moscow - St Petersbourg- Urales- Siberian- Mongolia - Gobi desert- The Great Wall of China and Pekin.

Why do I watch "Pekin Express"? Because I learn about Russian, Mongolian and Chinese culture.

"Pekin Express" is the best programme!

Jorge Izquierdo Atienza


Sunday, November 23


My favourite TV programme is MIR, a doctors’ drama. I like MIR because it is exciting and the stories in the programme are great.
In the programme, young doctors have problems and they live very interesting stories. They work in a hospital and they are mates. Sometimes their patients are strange and their tutors are very demanding.
My favourite character is Nuria. She is very clever and she is in love with Edu, but he is Gloria’s boyfriend. One day Edu and Nuria kissed each other.
Other characters are Lea and Mateo. They are in love but Lea is very disconcerting and sometimes likes him and sometimes not. This programme is amazing!
Natalia Velasco 2º ESO B
Thanks for your contribution Natalia!
What about you? What TV programmes do you like? Post a comment!

Thursday, November 13

New image

Thanks to Miguel Sama (1º Bach B) we have a new image for our blog. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 12


Cats and dogs are the most typical pets in Europe. This is because these pets are perfect to have at home. They are small and educating them is easier than the other animals. But, which is best pet?
On the one hand, dogs are more friendly and affectionate than cats. They can keep your company if you are alone or protect your house. These animals are always faithful to their owners. The bad side of dogs is that you have to take them out three times everyday.
On the other hand, cats are more handy pets. You don’t need to take them out and when you educate your cat completely, you can be unconcerned about it. But a cat only gives affection when it wants, and they are more independent.
In my opinion a pet must make you feel good and beloved. Dogs are perfect to get this.

Almudena Rodríguez (2º BACH B)
Thanks Almudena!

Do you agree with Almudena? Post a comment!!

Sunday, November 9

1º BACHILLERATO - desdoble

Try some of these listening games! Click on the following link

Tuesday, September 2


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