Wednesday, March 4

Natalia's Corner

Hello again! This week on Natalia's corner we review the film "The Exchange" directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Angelina Jolie.

"The Exchange" is a film about a very brave woman. One day her son disappears and the police finds a boy, but that boy isn't her son. This woman fights with the police because they pretend to close the investigation with the child disappeared.

Angelina Jolie is the protagonist of this film. Angelina is a solidary person. She travels around the world and she helps poor people. Her family is admirable. She is married to Brad Pitt and they have an Asiatic boy, an African girl...

The film is based on real events and is nominated to two Golden Globe Awards.

Natalia Velasco 2ºB


Marina Díaz said...

Hi! I recommend the film too, although it is very dramatic. Take your kleenex with you if you go!

Anonymous said...

It's very interesting!..but.. what's the end?